+44 (0) 1454 318 260 sales@solagen.com

Corporate Social Responsibility

Solagen is committed to the protection of the environment

Solagen appreciates the importance of attaining the right balance between economic growth, social wellbeing and protection of the environment. Solagen endeavour through good working practices and company policy, to ensure that the Company encourages positive practices and is recognised by customers as one of the best performing companies in the market.

Environmental Policy

Solagen is committed to the protection of the environment and is responsible for minimising the impact the company has on it. This commitment extends to all Solagen’s activities, wherever they take place, which have the potential to adversely affect the environment. Solagen’s aim is to reduce any negative environmental impact minimise the use of non-renewable energy and other resources and ensure that the principles of sustainable development are operated throughout the range of activities in which the company is engaged.

Ethical Policy

Solagen is dedicated to operating business practices in a responsible, legal and ethical manner – including the provision of safe working conditions and the protection of employee’s right.

Solagen conduct business with honesty, fairness and respect for both the rights and opinions of everyone that contributes, or is affected by, Solagen’s operation.

Employment Policy

Solagen endorse good employment practice and equal opportunities. Solagen ensure that all employees are given the resources and training to fulfil their roles to the highest standards. The company offer all employees clear and fair terms of employment. Solagen encourage company involvement in local community initiatives and charitable endeavours.